A Need for Normal

Turmoil and chaos overshadow daily living, blocking the ability to accomplish things we set out to do. The media bombards the mind through negativity and graphic descriptions eyes cannot unsee. Sheltering in the safety of home seems best, until the enemy shows up from within, emerging from its hiding place, silently growing, invading, and threatening to disrupt a normal life.

Cancer does that you know! It becomes the unwelcome reality to a normal life after a biopsy. The knot in your stomach tightens until you can’t eat or sleep. In the silence of the night you hear your heartbeat pounding out fear of what will happen next. Once the word is spoken you can’t take it back. It hurts to tell family and friends through tears, accepting their support and prayers, knowing you’re loved deeply. You cry out to God for strength and grace to face the morning. Scriptures of His power, plans, and peace, soar through your mind, bolstering your weakened state, until your faith shows up strong.

Then the fight begins! Doctor visits, more tests, chemo, surgery, and hope. You listen and learn more about this enemy than you ever wanted to know. God gives you strength for each day and His wisdom to follow along, trusting and believing. One day at a time.

The knot in your stomach begins to loosen, allowing some normal back in your life. Conversations without tears, laughter over silly jokes, and enjoying a decent meal. The enemy has been revealed and will be removed. A normal life…not a new normal…will return. The same people will love you and desire to be involved in your life. The same saving faith in Christ will continue saving you everyday. The same heart that pounded out fear will beat with a passion for a loving God who has overcome the world.

6 thoughts on “A Need for Normal

  1. Praying for healing. That each day you will see God in all that goes on.
    May you be restored to a healthy and joyous lady. Love reading your stories and articles. God has blessed you w words. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As always, you’re an encourager to all of your readers, regardless of how hard your personal struggles become. Yes, one day at a time, continuous prayer, and joyful expectations for the future.

    Liked by 1 person

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